:: Pedantic Platitudes ::

Greetings! My name is Sam J and I am a student at Harvard University. Perhaps this blog will present a little look into the mundane yet unique events that make up my life.
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:: Thursday, December 19, 2002 ::

Ah, it's great to be home. Security was crazy at the airport. The line to get into the gates was the longest I had ever seen. I nearly missed my flight because the line was so long. The flight was nice, but I wasn't able to get much sleep due to a crying baby. This was not too helpful considering I got no sleep last night because of my essay. There was a stopover at LAX, and then I boarded a smaller plane to SLO-town. I got there before the drenching rain, but I caught the wind, which caused so much turbulence that it was a wonder we landed safely. It felt like a roller coaster ride going up and down in that plane. Anyways, I'm happy to be home and to see friends and family today.

It was especially enjoyable going out to see "Maid in Manhattan" with my dear friends. Some important things I learned tonight:
-Ranch dressing may look like something else.
-I have a fixation with pepperoni.
-Footsies should not be played in a theater.
-Some back-up singers are really good at snapping in rhythm with style.

Only 5 days left until Christmas!

:: SL 11:57 PM [+] ::

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