:: Pedantic Platitudes ::

Greetings! My name is Sam J and I am a student at Harvard University. Perhaps this blog will present a little look into the mundane yet unique events that make up my life.
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:: Thursday, February 13, 2003 ::

Today, I went to see one of the greatest theatrical experiences ever conceived: The Vagina Monologues. All in all, I had a wonderful time. The Vagina Monologues is so much more than women just talking about their "private parts." It was tasteful, yet crass and loud at the same time. There was a huge cloth representation of a vagina for a backdrop, and various women came onstage throughout the course of the production to deliver poignant portrayals of their vaginas. Themes included maturation, sexual violence, gratification, and love. My favorite piece was called "My Angry Vagina," which begins with, "My vagina is angry; it needs to talk. My vagina is furious..." There was a strong message of equality for women running throughout the performance, and many humorous anecdotes were shared by the cast members. Eve Ensler, the author, would be proud. The proceeds from the production go to women's charities for V-Day, a day to remember and end violence against women. Because tonight was opening night, everyone was dressed up in formal wear. I got to wear my suit, which I hadn't worn since Graduation 2002. God, that seems like so long ago.

:: SL 9:08 PM [+] ::

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