:: Pedantic Platitudes ::

Greetings! My name is Sam J and I am a student at Harvard University. Perhaps this blog will present a little look into the mundane yet unique events that make up my life.
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:: Monday, October 13, 2003 ::

I was on national television today! Starting today and for the next nine Mondays, the IOP (Institute of Politics) here at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government will host each Democratic presidential candidate on a live taping for the MSNBC show Hardball with Chris Matthews. Today, North Carolina Senator John Edwards came to town to appear on the first program of the series. The entire Hardball with Chris Matthews team was here with technical assistants, cameramen, producers, directors, and outspoken Chris Matthews himself.

I was lucky enough to procure a ticket for the event, for which there was a lottery; not everyone who wanted to attend could do so. The place was packed. I had a friend who was in charge of organizing the event, and she so graciously helped me find a better seat. In fact, she got me into the "cheer crowd" for Chris Matthews and John Edwards when they entered the room. To live up their respective entrances, the directors asked for some students to stand behind the important people to cheer and act enthusiastic. That's how I made it onto national television.

It was so exciting. The stage manager came out first and gave us a quick talk about the format of the live show. Then, Chris Matthews came in, with me as part of the group cheering him on as he entered the room. I extended my hand as he was passing by, and I got to shake hands with Chris Matthews. Then, he took his seat on the stage and got ready for the show, working the audience with humorous jokes. He's such a funny, lively person. He's very intense in his interviewing on his show, but off the air he's quite relaxed and very conversational with the audience members, keeping them entertained even though he probably should be focusing and preparing on the upcoming show.

Then, the show started, and Chris Matthews introduced Senator John Edwards, one of the nine Democratic presidential candidates. I actually saw John Edwards just an hour beforehand. Before his appearance at the IOP, he was present at Kirkland House for its "Conversations with the Candidates" series, which is a more intimate get-together with the candidates preceding the Hardball appearance. I managed to attend the Kirkland House event, and he appeared with his wife and daughter, who is currently attending Princeton University. There was a Q&A session, and he answered many of the questions.

It was quite an experience seeing him at two separate events today. John Edwards was very charismatic and friendly. His Southern accent is charming in a way, and at 50 years old he looks like he's 30. He is obviously very intelligent and a quick thinker, able to come up with quick responses to tough questions, except ironically he did stumble when it came to asking about his favorite movie – a question posed by host Chris Matthews. After stumbling for a few minutes, he finally came up with the film The Shawshank Redemption, whereas he could immediately respond to a complex question about globalization or foreign policy.

I really didn't do too much research about John Edwards because I didn't really think he had a chance in the race, but he's actually quite liberal for a "Southern Democrat." He didn't grow up in the wealthiest family, and he was the first person in his family to graduate from college. With such humble beginnings, John Edwards really knows the value of hard work.

As the show ended, John Edwards headed out slowly while greeting people in the crowd. It was then that I got to shake hands with John Edwards and wish him luck with his campaign, even though I'm more of a supporter for John Kerry or Howard Dean. I think he really has his heart into running for president, and had he more support, I think he could definitely get the job done.

Tonight's event was a neat look into the workings of a television show. It was fascinating to watch the dozens of behind-the-scenes people working when most people only see just two people on the television screen. During the hour-long show, the cameras panned through the audience, so I made a couple more appearances on TV. I hope to attend the rest of the series. Next week, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry will be the guest, and I already have a guaranteed ticket to that event, so I'm looking forward to that.

Please check out my pictures from the event here.

Earlier today, I participated in a three-hour psychology study that netted me $50. It was very interesting because of all the studies that were done in those three hours. I filled out dozens of surveys and did dozens of tests on the computer. I've never had so much information collected from me all at once. Following the study, I went and explored the Oktoberfest celebration in Harvard Square today. It was a massive street fair with arts and crafts vendors as well as stands selling foods from all over the world. The streets were packed with people, and the atmosphere was made even more exciting with live music acts.

Tonight, I attended a tea party with some of my friends, and it was a wonderful English time all around. I tried marmite, which is put on buttered toast, and it tasty salty and different, but I was excited to try something new. It's from England, and many people are put off by the smell; even there it's either you love it or you hate it. I liked it.

It was nice to have this day off for a much-needed three-day weekend. I felt very relaxed today, despite the myriad events. Now, I need to settle down for this four-day week, which is filled with lots and lots of work.

:: SL 8:27 PM [+] ::

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