:: Pedantic Platitudes ::

Greetings! My name is Sam J and I am a student at Harvard University. Perhaps this blog will present a little look into the mundane yet unique events that make up my life.
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:: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 ::

Wow, hearing that Yanni got arrested compelled me to listen to one of his new age pieces. Ha.

So I'm back... I've been staying in a nice hotel in downtown Boston this past weekend for Harvard Model Congress, where we college students run a government simulation program for high school students visiting from all around the country. I'm a part of the press corps, so we help the students write for and create a newspaper to distribute at the convention.

It was stressful, but fun. We had to work nonstop for four days, but the kids put out 7 newspapers in that time. A humorous highlight was when the Constitutional Convention, a group that reenacts the founding of our country, barred some of our reporters from attending their meeting and threatened to tar and feather them. They claimed that freedom of press had not been written into the Constitution yet, so they were allowed to do that. Well, we organized a huge protest with signs and everything to protest this violation of democracratic freedoms and hypocrisy by the founding fathers. We also chanted, "We won't just report the weather; you can't have us tarred and feathered!" Good times. There was also the usual blowup between the press corps and the National Security Council because our reporters keep snooping in their secretive meetings.

Today, after classes and meetings, my friend and I started watching Titanic, but then people came in wanting to watch America's Next Top Model, so I watched it. I'd never seen the show before. Wow, models are really shallow. Afterwards, we went to a study break with friends.

Quote(s) of the Day: "Is that... her stage name?"

"John Quincy Adams is a foppish dandy!!!"

:: SL 9:50 PM [+] ::

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