:: Pedantic Platitudes ::

Greetings! My name is Sam J and I am a student at Harvard University. Perhaps this blog will present a little look into the mundane yet unique events that make up my life.
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:: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 ::

Wow, an unprecedentedly smooth day of article writing today for The Crimson. Nothing was too painful, from reporting to writing to editing. Yay. Perhaps The Crimson isn't as evil as I thought... Nah.

I spent the afternoon covering the festivities for Pi Day (3/14, get it?), when the math department gets together for pi digit recitations (one girl memorized and recited it out to 866 digits) and a pie eating contest (the winner ate one and a half pounds of pie, blueberry and apple). The story should be in the paper tomorrow. Yay.

This evening, as a break, I went with a few friends to get some soda bread at the Catholic Students' Center. I'd never had soda bread before. It was dense and warm. Yum.

Last night, my friends and I gathered in the dining hall for a screening of the film Wedding Crashers, which had its humorous moments but is somewhat overrated as a comedy. It's like the beginnings of a good comedy with an obnoxious romance tacked on to the second half. Wedding movies always make me sad anyways. Ah well.

It was fun hanging out, though, in the dining hall with our computers into the middle of the night, chatting on AIM, and dishing about the other people there. Good times.

Quote of the Day: "They're public servants, but they don't get laid for it..."

"Anyone ever heard of a mitzvah?" "Um... bar?"

:: SL 8:44 PM [+] ::

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