:: Pedantic Platitudes ::

Greetings! My name is Sam J and I am a student at Harvard University. Perhaps this blog will present a little look into the mundane yet unique events that make up my life.
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:: Saturday, March 25, 2006 ::

Yes! Third best weekend evarrr in a row because I got to spend it with friends. Awww.

And the coming days will be the best WEEK evarr because it's spring break, and my friend and I are going to WALT DISNEY WORLD!!! Needless to say we are both extremely excited over this highly-anticpated vacation. We've been talking about it since we lived across the hall from each other, and now it's senior year and it's now or never! So we decided to go for senior spring break, and we're going to have soooo much fun!

Yesterday, I had lunch and went to work at the Science Center. In the late afternoon my friend Marion and I got ready for our party hosting duties that night by walking to Trader Joe's for food and drink supplies. It was a fun trip, and I wasn't as indecisive as I usually am in party planning. We had dinner with friends who were still around, as the dining hall was unusually empty because many people had left already for spring break.

Afterwards, we got ready for our party, and althought not that many people showed up, I still had a great time hanging out and dancing with Marion and friends. We played a lot of fun danceable music from the 80s and the 90s. Yay. I'm glad (grateful! Positive Psychology!) Marion and I have similar tastes in musica. We were so tired at 1:30 that we ended the party then and all went to sleep. But it was an amazingly fun party. We shall have to do it again soon!

Today, I suddenly woke up at 10 in the morning, which meant I had a delightfully productive day in front of me. I ended up working on my website a bit, had a snack for lunch, and then watched the movie Toy Story. It's a charming tale; I hadn't seen the movie in a while. I always love buddy movies. Later in the afternoon, I decided to watch the movie Saved! on DVD because I had borrowed it and never had time time to watch it. It's a hilarious satire on overzealous religious people, but it's not anti-religion. It shows the good and the bad effects of religion, which is up my ally because I am not particularly religious, but I respect the role of religion in the world... as long as these religions respect me.

I went out to dinner with my friends Kayt, Tim, and Fran. We went to Felipe's, and I got a super burrito. I even ordered sour cream on it to be extra festive with sauce. During the course of the dinner, the conversation veered to talk about my personality, and my friends agreed that I was a generally pessimistic person, which made me kinda sad, because I see myself as a cheery person. They told me that I just say a lot of pessimistic things in a delightfully cheerful manner. Haha. I'm glad to have gotten this feedback. I am, of course, trying to become more optimistic as part of my positive psychology class, which deals with the psychology of happiness. I hadn't realized that people thought I sounded pessimistic at times.

After Felipe's, Kayt and I went to Mather House and watched Disney's Cinderella to "get excited!" about our trip! Fran joined us, too. Aww, Cinderella is one of my favorite Disney movies... probably because of its themes of kindness and simple beauty triumphing over vanity and jealousy. The rags to riches bit ain't bad, either... Anyways, the screening got us in the mood for our Disney trip, especially since Walt Disney World's signature castle is the magnificent Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom! Yay!!! We did some trip planning, returned the Cindrella videocassette to the library, and got some last-minute supplies. We leave early tomorrow morning. Soooo excited!!!

I will, of course, write a 10-page post when we get back about all our adventures in the Most Magical Place on Earth! Clint, if you're reading this (or for that matter, anyone who's reading this), lemme know via LJ comment if you want any souvenirs or pictures of anything specific in the "World." I'll be checking my e-mail!

Quote(s) of the Day: "Kayt, you just finished your senior thesis... What are you going to do next?" "I'm going to Disney World!!!"

"Wow, that girl is in desperate need of a nose job."

"I didn't know it was becoming trendy to shorten words. Whatev. That's just kind of awk."

:: SL 9:41 PM [+] ::

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